Setting Up a U.S. Hub

Your Springboard to the Americas

Miami has emerged as a thriving business hub for innovation, trade, technology, and financial services. It is the premier city from where companies large and small launch their expansion into North and South America.
Genventure can help you assess the markets, set up your operations, fine-tune your product line, drive your business development, select the best partners and conquer new markets. Contact us today!

Insights for Growth.

Building upon technology to innovate and win.

Scaling Up

  • Providing On-demand Bandwidth
  • Integrating Breakthrough Technologies
  • Building Agile-Growth Organizations
  • Defining New Business Models
  • Executing For 10x Rather Than 10%
  • Navigating Stage-to -stage

Profit enhancement

  • Supply Chain Engineering
  • Productivity Improvements
  • Product Line and Segment Profitability
  • Best Practices
  • Overhead Optimization


  • Repositioning
  • Spinoffs
  • Restructuring
  • Limiting Exposure
  • Crisis Management


1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800
Miami, FL 33129